Joseph Maday
Joe Maday
Producer & Engineer
Joe Maday is a graduate of Berklee College of Music, with a degree in Music Production (Magna Cum Laude). He chose to become a music producer, as he wanted a new challenge and always wanted to work in music. He has 11 years of graphic design and web development experience. Joe currently resides in Richland, Washington with his dog the Lady Sadie.
The Lady Sadie
The Lady Sadie
Sadie is the resident studio dog. Sadie was rescued in 2013. Joe was looking for a pet companion at the local shelter and Sadie raised a ruckus when he walked by her kennel a second time. As a result she found a new home with Joe and has been his constant companion since. “We rescued each other.”
Sadie’s responsibilities include announcing Joe, when he comes in the room, and being a second set of ears during mixdown and mastering.
Her preferred genres are reggae and the blues.